Company Videos

Company Videos can help new customers feel more comfortable faster.

Customers are more comfortable interacting with someone they’re familiar with. Usually, this is the owner of the company or a salesman. But what about the person who answers the phone, or the service person who comes to their house? Company videos can introduce your team to potential or existing customers.
Quick story: In a previous career, I worked with a computer system that required me to, occasionally, contact tech support. The supporting company sent out a periodic newsletter, and one issue included photos of all of the support techs. I kept that issue next to the computer so that, every time I called, I could put a face with the voice I was talking to. It added a level of familiarity that wouldn’t have been there otherwise.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you showcase your team.

Meet some of the members of Cohen Closing & Title as they announce their new office in the NH Lakes Region.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation for your video project.

B2B Video Solutions
55 Elk Drive
Bedford, NH 03110
(603) 566-3075
[email protected]

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Copyright 2024 – David Waldman

Copyright 2024 – David Waldman